Women are becoming 'awake' and seeing what is really happening around them, myself included. Life is meant to be lived in the present moment and focused on being a witness to the lives of those we care about. How can we witness their lives if we are busy working somewhere else with people we may not necessarily like to be around, or performing tasks we don't really like to do? How does this make sense? Our priorities are backwards.
Now is the time to turn things around and get our focus right. We CAN have a balanced life one that is focused mainly on people, health, friends, and life. And where the career can still exist and where the income can still exist - it is just not the main priority. We can all agree that having a constant flow of money into our lives is essential for living in today's world. It can be done through the profession of network marketing. So many women have turned to this profession already yet it still has yet to be completely accepted by society as a serious business opportunity. One that can create a life that is mainly dreamed about by most and thought of as out of reach.
For myself this profession has allowed my dreams to become reality and one of my biggest dreams is to live a simple life ,not a busy life - to be a witness to the lives of my children, to be more present, to love more, to live more, to dream bigger and to achieve more by doing less. I italicized the word 'doing' because I am not as busy as I used to be. I have fewer commitments, fewer things that need my attention and this allows me to truly enjoy my life in the moment and to do more of the things I really enjoy and that bring me pleasure. So in essence I am able to release the need to 'do more' and welcome in the ease and allow more abundance into my life at the same time.
In closing, residual income is a serious opportunity for women to truly create the balanced life that seems so out of reach and to feel completely valued. The time is now to create a dream life where the focus is on people, pleasure, living, and loving.
Much love