You can never truly understand a person until you walk a mile in their shoes. This old saying rings true as I move into my role as a stay at home mother. I thought I was busy as a working mother, now I know it is even busier and more challenging to my mental and emotional health than working in any workplace. Going into this role I knew it was going to be a challenge for me and I was up for it. Being a mother of two children can bring about feelings of not being enough. So I bow my head in honour of women who have more than two children and all mothers for that matter. It is a demanding role with so much to teach if we are willing and open to learn it. And we have so much to teach others about what the role of a stay at home mother could be.
The role is slowly evolving from what previous generations knew it to be and even what the current generation of young mothers believes it to be. I now understand whole heartedly why so many women choose to work rather than be home with their children. I respect that. It's not easy.
My intention with this post is to educate about what being a stay at home mother can be and what it has evolved into in our community of Visionary Women. It doesn't have to be any of the above photos. It doesn't have to be overwhelming, unrealistic, or lonely. It can be simple, enjoyable, rewarding, and allow you to be your best in any situation and be completely present with your children rather than worrying about what else you have to get done. Imagine the role as a leader of your family (yes the head of the household, we all know that women run the family for real) rather than maid, servant, and cook. All fine and well if you truly enjoy those activities (I do as they bring about a sense of accomplishment and pride) but they can also bring about feelings of overwhelm with children pulling at you wanting this or that while you are simply attempting to get something done. I challenge you to ponder what would give your life more ease - a sexy word. Would it be sourcing a maid service to clean your house as often as you like, paying someone else to shovel your driveway, or pay your bills, or complete your gardening, cook your meals or provide healthy quick meals when on the go (truly isn't that our life now? Always on the go?), or simply someone to do your laundry. What would allow you to exhale deeply and be completely present in your life?
Our society seems to praise being busy and on the go, running on fumes or caffeine to end our day falling into bed exhausted and maybe not really remembering what we did that day. I encourage you to think about the end of your life - not something most like to think about - on your last day living in this body, in this life, would you regret not having more things accomplished? Or would you regret not spending the quality time with loved ones, mostly your children as much as you could have? Would you regret not being completely present for your amazing journey in this life and the life of your children? Or would you regret not truly doing what your heart desires.
What would your dream life look like? Would you be living in your dream home with your family around you? Would you be doing the mission work you have always wanted to get into? Or would you be going back to school to learn what your heart desires? We can show you how you can make that dream life happen. What if we could show you a way that would allow you to live in ease, accomplish more by doing less, and working less and living more? A concept we have been programmed to believe is untrue or simply a dream. I am here to tell you it is true and it is possible for you.
I wish to leave you with this final thought and this quote so eloquently presented by the Dalai Lama. What makes your heart soften, what makes it beat, what makes it yearn? I encourage you to pursue that. Visionary Women can help you discover the path to making those dreams come true.
The role is slowly evolving from what previous generations knew it to be and even what the current generation of young mothers believes it to be. I now understand whole heartedly why so many women choose to work rather than be home with their children. I respect that. It's not easy.
My intention with this post is to educate about what being a stay at home mother can be and what it has evolved into in our community of Visionary Women. It doesn't have to be any of the above photos. It doesn't have to be overwhelming, unrealistic, or lonely. It can be simple, enjoyable, rewarding, and allow you to be your best in any situation and be completely present with your children rather than worrying about what else you have to get done. Imagine the role as a leader of your family (yes the head of the household, we all know that women run the family for real) rather than maid, servant, and cook. All fine and well if you truly enjoy those activities (I do as they bring about a sense of accomplishment and pride) but they can also bring about feelings of overwhelm with children pulling at you wanting this or that while you are simply attempting to get something done. I challenge you to ponder what would give your life more ease - a sexy word. Would it be sourcing a maid service to clean your house as often as you like, paying someone else to shovel your driveway, or pay your bills, or complete your gardening, cook your meals or provide healthy quick meals when on the go (truly isn't that our life now? Always on the go?), or simply someone to do your laundry. What would allow you to exhale deeply and be completely present in your life?
Our society seems to praise being busy and on the go, running on fumes or caffeine to end our day falling into bed exhausted and maybe not really remembering what we did that day. I encourage you to think about the end of your life - not something most like to think about - on your last day living in this body, in this life, would you regret not having more things accomplished? Or would you regret not spending the quality time with loved ones, mostly your children as much as you could have? Would you regret not being completely present for your amazing journey in this life and the life of your children? Or would you regret not truly doing what your heart desires.
What would your dream life look like? Would you be living in your dream home with your family around you? Would you be doing the mission work you have always wanted to get into? Or would you be going back to school to learn what your heart desires? We can show you how you can make that dream life happen. What if we could show you a way that would allow you to live in ease, accomplish more by doing less, and working less and living more? A concept we have been programmed to believe is untrue or simply a dream. I am here to tell you it is true and it is possible for you.
I wish to leave you with this final thought and this quote so eloquently presented by the Dalai Lama. What makes your heart soften, what makes it beat, what makes it yearn? I encourage you to pursue that. Visionary Women can help you discover the path to making those dreams come true.